(A) A heatmap representing the abundance of oncRNAs in breast cancer lines relative to HUMECs (red: TNBC, green: Her2+, yellow: luminal).
(B) These oncRNAs were significantly expressed in breast tumor biopsies collected as part of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA-BRCA), and were largely absent from the adjacent normal tissue collected from the ~200 individuals in this dataset. Figure adapted from (2).
(A) oncRNA profiles in conditioned media of breast cancer cell lines
(B) The detection of oncRNAs in sera from breast cancer patients with stage II/III disease. 35 healthy individuals from an independent study as reference. Figure adapted from (2).
(A) Study schema and sample collection in the I-SPY 2 TRIAL. from high-risk early breast cancer patients who received NAC +/- experimental agents (MK-2206 and Pembro) in the I-SPY 2 TRIAL.
(B) A universal oncRNA fingerprinting approach, based on small RNA sequencing, was used to rapidly and robustly detect oncRNA species in ~1mL of sera.
A binary heatmap where rows indicate our annotated oncRNAs that were detected in one or more sera from breast cancer patients, and columns represent individual serum samples. (right) results for ISPY samples at T0, and (left) the same oncRNAs shown in non-cancer exoRNA atlas data.
(A) Summary of oncRNA content between T0 and T3 timepoints (Wilcoxon test).
(B) Comparison of change in the oncRNA burden, post and pre-treatment, in every patient across the RCB classes.
(C) Modeling short-term clinical outcomes as a function of changes in oncRNA burden. For pCR and RCB class (class III vs. class 0-II), the relative oncRNA values were first dichotomized, and logistic regression was then used to calculate coefficients, confidence intervals, and p-values.
(A) Overall survival analysis in patients with follow up information (N-192). The top 15% of ΔoncRNA values were most significantly associated with poor outcomes. The results are largely robust to the choice of threshold. Reported are the HR and Logrank p-values.
(B-C) Forest plots for multivariate Cox models with ΔoncRNA and pCR or RCB class as covariates. oncRNAs remained a significant covariate even after controlling for these common clinical metrics.
Liquid biopsies have emerged as effective, noninvasive, diagnostic tools in disease monitoring and minimal residual disease detection. While ctDNA has been shown to be a significant predictor of poor response and metastatic recurrence, small non-coding RNAs (oncRNAs), actively released into the blood by some tumors, may prove to be a more sensitive biomarker. Identifying oncRNA in blood over time (before, during and after treatment) can enable providers to predict tumor response to therapy. This simple way to get at disease burden through serum, which does not require individualizing a test for each patient, could be rapidly generated, and may provide the complementary, more sensitive information to other circulating DNA tests.
With support from Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, FNIH, NCI (Grant 28XS197 P-0518835, P01 CA210961), Safeway Foundation, William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, UCSF, the Biomarkers Consortium, Salesforce, Novella Clinical, CCS Associates, Berry Consultants, Agendia, OpenClinica, Give Breast Cancer the Boot, Stand up for Cancer, Atwater Trust, CA Breast Cancer Research Program, Seagen, AstraZeneca, Daiichi-Sankyo, Merck, Dynavax, Pfizer, Apotex, Sanofi, Puma Biotechnology, AbbVie, Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Genentech, Amgen, Plexxikon, Regeneron, G1 Therapeutics, GSK, Byondis. Initial support from IQVIA, Johnson & Johnson, San Francisco Foundation, Eli Lilly, Eisai Company, Side Out Foundation, Harlan Family, Avon Foundation for Women, Alexandria Real Estate Equities. Sincere thanks to Anna Barker, our DSMB (Harold Burstein, Elizabeth Frank, Steven Goodman, Robert Mass, Janet Wittes, Tiffany Traina and Deborah Laxague), Ken Buetow and CaBIG, our patients, advocates and investigators. This work was made possible with funding from the Mary Kay Foundation, the Breast Cancer Alliance and Mark Foundation. Disclosure: LJVV is co-founder, stockholder, and part-time employee of Agendia NV. HG is co-founder, stockholder, and part-time employee of Exai Bio.